Rok: 1917
Minutáž: 3 mins
Popis: I. 'COLONEL MARRIES COLONEL'S WIDOW. Lord Arthur Hill receiving Mrs. George Curzon on her arrival at St. Peter's Eaton Square. Lieut Col. F. Butler and his bride leaving after the ceremony.' Mrs Curzon arrives by car accompanied by two companions, one of them a nun, to be greeted by Lord Arthur. MS as the newly married couple leave followed by family and fashionable friends - a few lesser mortals look on, including one decrepit and horribly grimacing old woman.II. 'KENTISH HOP PICKERS. Soldiers help women and children to secure the hop harvest. Many hop fields have been destroyed by the gale this week.' Labourer dislodges the strings of hops with a pole, while others - mainly women and children - strip the hops from the fallen growth. Some of the girls are rather pretty. All who look to camera continue working with their hands. Army Sergeant and (?) farmer weigh the hops. CU head and shoulders of Sergeant wreathed in a garland of hops - he is of the Cheshire Regiment.III. 'MARGATE RAIDER SALVED FROM THE SEA. Diver going down to locate the Gotha.' HA.MS from onboard salvage craft as a helmet diver goes down the side into the sea. 'THE DIVER'S TRIUMPH. Having located the machine the diver fixes cables and returns to the salvage boat.' HA.MS as diver returns to the boat. 'THE AIRMAN'S BAG. Gotha's broken bones retrieved by British Sea Dogs.' The wrecked aircraft is hauled up out of the sea - its German markings are clearly visible. One of the boat's crewmen has the name 'VIGILANT EYE' on the back of his jersey.
I. A society wedding.II. Hop picking in Kent.III. Salvage of a Gotha which crashed into the sea off Margate.
Klíčová slova: EFG1914 / World War I / Butler, Francis J P / Hill, Arthur (Lord) / Butler, Mabel Isabelle / British Army, Cheshire Regiment / British Army / ceremonies, British - event-related: wedding / agriculture, British - arable: hop picking / aircraft, German - combat: Gotha GIV & [wrecked] / operations, British naval - salvage: recovery of wrecked Gotha / GB, England & London SW,
/ Kent, England, UK / Margate, Kent, England, UK / camera / World War, 1914-1918 -- Motion pictures and the war -
Poskytovatel: Imperial War Museums
Práva: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produkční společnost: Topical Film Company
Barva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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